
Product details for Deluxe Human Design Report.

Deluxe Human Design Report

39+ pages of content describing your unique Human Design

Price: $55.55

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Product Details

This report is packed with info about your Human Design. It includes:

  • a page describing Human Design and how to use this info
  • your bodygraph chart
  • a summary of your human design
  • Energy Type: how and when to best interact with others and move through life
  • Strategy: how, what and when to invest your energy
  • Authority: how we are meant to make decisions (1-2 pages)
  • Signature & Not-Self Themes
  • Definition
  • Profile
  • A page for each of the 9 Energy Centers, whether defined or undefined
  • A page for each active Gate in your chart (13-26 pages)
  • A summary of your Arrows (Variable)
  • A summary of Digestion, Design Sense, Environment, Sense, Motivation, & Perspective
  • Incarnation Cross summary
  • a discounted link to book a live reading to go even deeper

Your personalized report will be available within 2 business days.
****accurate birth date, time and location is required****

Please note, charts done with guesstimated birth data may not be accurate. Please reach out PRIOR to purchase if you have questions.


Buy Now

Enter your information below. Then you'll be given payment options.

Add your personalization: 1. Name (as you want it to appear on your report) 2. Write out Birthdate (March 15, 1974 not 00/00/00) 3. Exact time of birth 4. Location of birth (city, county/province, country to avoid mixups) **data must be exact to be accurate, please double check**

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